Courses offered

Single Company and Suburban Truck Company Operations

One Day- In this eight-hour course we cover the strategic and tactical
priorities for single or suburban truck company operations. This course also will cover the
history of the quint ladder truck as well as design spec and pros and cons for
various truck layouts.

Two Day- In this sixteen-hour course we will cover the above course
material plus an additional eight hours of didactic covering the strategy and tactics
of search and ventilation for the suburban truck company.

Four Day- In this 32 hour course, two additional hands on training days are
added to give the students a full day of ventilation training and full day of search


From the Jump Seat to the Right- Preparing Officers to effectively lead companies

Two Day- In this two day course, students will get a full day of learning
how to effectively lead their current or future employees as a company officer.
This course discusses leadership, followership, how to establish company goals, set
training expectations and how to handle employee discipline. The second day
consists entirely of strategic decision making for the first arriving company officer.


What IFSTA doesn’t teach you about training firefighters to achieve mastery.

One Day- In this course students will learn about the psychology of training
and building skill acquisition. How to structure trainings for maximum retention,
outcome, and student satisfaction. This course covers the spectrum from new
firefighters teaching 20 minute trainings to their crews, to Training Chiefs
structuring ongoing department training as well as building recruit school curriculum.

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