The Cadre

Ryan Scellick

Ryan Scellick is a 23 year veteran of the fire service. He currently serves as senior shift Captain of a five station suburban department, following a three year period as the training officer. Ryan cross staffs the city’s only ladder and heavy rescue. He has served on the department’s land technical rescue team for five years. 

Ryan spent more than five years as commissioned SWAT Officer on a busy regional SWAT team and over a decade traveling and teaching tactical medicine as well as the rescue task force concept. Ryan is also a lead instructor for their region’s truck academy, p-can operations, live fire training, high rise operations and vertical ventilation. Ryan has Bachelor’s degrees from Eastern Oregon University in Fire Administration and from Central Washington University in Paramedicine. 

Rob Fisher

Rob “Robbie” Fisher is a suburban firefighter from the Pacific Northwest. He has been a student of the fire service for 35 years. Rob is currently a Battalion Chief with a medium-sized suburban department 25 miles north of Seattle in Snohomish County. Prior to being promoted to Battalion Chief, Rob spent 20 years as a company officer, fifteen of those years assigned to the department’s only ladder company. He is a member of his county’s regional technical rescue team. Most recently, Chief Fisher was assigned as the Chief of the Snohomish County Fire Training Academy.

Chief Fisher instructs with multiple groups outside of work. He is affiliated with Brothers In Battle, County Fire Tactics, Roof Pervs, and the Highwaymen. He co-administers a few social media groups focused on truck company operations and is the co-founder of Young Officers on Fire.

Rob has been an active member with the F.O.O.L.S. since 2002. He is active with his local chapter, the Puget Sound F.O.O.L.S. Robbie has been on the International’s E-board since 2013 as the Education/Training Chair. In 2022, he accepted a new position within the International as the West Coast Region Representative.

When not instructing or talking shop, Rob enjoys traveling with his wife, Jodie. They have been married for 29 years and have two wonderful granddaughters. He enjoys cooking, wine, music, and spending time with his granddaughters.